2010 WPCC Entrants!!!
Here at last! I feel like it's kind of unfair because I get to see them all before you do, and enjoy them, and pick who I think will win, and get all excited before you even see them. Sorry about that, but there are some perks to being one of the Coordinators and it's not money.
There are 15 official entries to choose from so please make sure to view them all. I put them each as separate posts as it made it easier for me, hopefully it doesn't make it too difficult for you. Well wait no more here are your 2010 WPCC entrants in all their glory!
This year looks to be the strongest pool of participants yet! Leanne held a Canada Day/Halloween Party in Denmark and this encouraged a number of new participants from across the pond to join in. We have multiple entries from Denmark and any perceived disadvantage from growing up in a country without Halloween was quickly swept under the rug by me. I think this is actually an advantage as it allows them to think outside the box when a carving utensil and pumpkin is put in front of them. Some excellent first time entries.