2024 Predator pumpkins

Hello carvers and judges! 
Some more beautiful looking pumpkins this year. Hope none of these creatures came knocking on your door for halloween...
I learned a lesson this year - when buying pumpkins always give them a shake first. When I cut the top off mine it was half full of water/liquified pumpkin guts. Gross. Thankfully you couldn't see from the outside that I had gotten hold of a swamp pumpkin but it sure didn't smell the best when I was carving it.. 
Enough of my chatter. Scroll down for what you really came for :) 

Pumpkin A: En isbjørn som har fanget en fisk.
Pumpkin B: en Løve med blodig tænder og en stor manke.

Pumpkin C: Trick or mouse.

Pumpkin D: The Eagle and The Rabbit.

Pumpkin E: Axolotl.

Pumpkin F: Pumpkin-eating-pumpkin-eating-pumpkin.

Pumpkin G: Pumpkin Predator.

Pumpkin H: Dog pumpkin.

Pumpkin I: Owl.

Pumpkin J: Tiger.

Pumpkin K: You are tasty Tweetie Pie! Burp...

Pumpkin L (left): King of the jungle
Pumpkin M (right): Star Pumpkin

Pumpkin N: Bird of prey.

Pumpkin O: Carried away (eagle).

Pumpkin P: Lion.

Pumpkin Q: Fox leaping.

Pumpkin R: Prowling wolf.


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