Two Time Champion for the 3 Headed Dog!!

Hello Again!
I know it's almost Christmas, but we're still talking about Halloween. 
First things first the WINNER is.... Mel T. again!!! For her fantastic carving of  Cerberus the three headed dog. Now I will be the first to admit that this theme was not my choice, and mythology is not my strength so I just assume that is what she was carving, cause if you google 3 headed dog that is what comes up;) I swear I never studied mythology in school, but maybe I'm wrong? I love that she gets to keep the trophy for another year, because she only just got it last month... I look forward to the 'alterations' that Mark is making to allow for future winners names to be displayed!! We outgrew the trophy guys!

I wanted to thank my mother for once again voting Leanne's pumpkin as number 1. I'm not sure how many consecutive years this is, but it might be all of them;) Perhaps it is the carving style that calls to Jayne, but something clearly speaks to her and I know it's not Leanne. Congrats on second place Leanne and Bjorn. 
The third place ribbon goes to Morten for his fire breathing creature! Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that is pretty good for a first time carver? I know I was scared for the grass on that one. 

Some suggested changes for next year include allowing titles for your pumpkins, I think following Twitter's lead and allowing 140 characters to describe your pumpkin is fair, no #'s though please. Too far.

Also, we want to end the contest earlier, and judge earlier, so mark it down now folks next year's competition will close on October 29th, with a shorter judging period to follow. We hope these changes will keep people interested and carving!!

Thanks again guys, sorry I was so distracted this year, but you made up for it with your fabulous carvings!!

Sarah and Leanne (who had a baby and more time for this competition than I did)
Co-chairs of the WPCC
Just a few comments from our esteemed judges.
Pumpkin A - I liked everything about my #1 pick, which I'm calling Cerberus goes to Whitecastle, since it doesn't really lend itself to obvious fun making.  The link to mythology is obvious, it's sort of dark and spooky, and not too complicated either.  Everything I was looking for.
Pumpkin H - #2, the happy Cyclopes, wasn't far behind.  Nice carvemanship.  Obviously fits with the main theme.  Perhaps a bit less camera flash the next time.

Pumpkin C - It was a close race for third spot this year but ultimately, Dragon spit-take got it by a scale.  Close on it's heels was Pumpkin B, Trojan Pumpkin.  If they had carved the pumpkin to look like a horse rather than just scribbling a horse on it, they may be on the podium right now.

A quick run down of he rest:

Pumpkin D
It's always a bad sign when you feel the need to literally spell out what you have carved on your pumpkin. Oh ya, and...Nerd!

Pumpkin E
I sure hope that a child carved this.  if so, nice job sweetie.

Pumpkin F (Revenge of the Cloud Sheep)
I actually like this one, and am terrified at the same time.  What guy from Lanark, wouldn't be a bit nervous of a sheep that can fly and shoot lightning?  I have to admit I don't recall learning about this myth in school.  Maybe they only teach it to kids in Scotland.

Pumpkin G
What the ???  I honestly have NO IDEA what this is supposed to be.  If it's obvious to others, I apologize.  I blame my head cold medication and kid interrupted sleep.

Pumpkin I
Too Dr. Seuss like to be scary, not light up, not exactly sure what myth this relates to...I could go on and on.  Looks like it took a lot of time to carve it though.  Hope it was worth it.

Pumpkin J (Hibernaculum Head)
I'm assuming this is supposed to be Medusa.  Not sue why she is looking so scared though.  If I had snakes for hair I don't think there's too much I'd be frightened of.  Maybe she's checking out Pumpkin A.
Pumpkin K
Oh, I remember that myth about the puppy that had hands growing out of his i don't.  I have to admit though, there is something about this one I like.  I want to take him home and cuddle it and take it for walks.

Pumpkin L
See Pumpkin G


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