This ship has come sailing home...
Hello again devout WPCC Groupies As usual I find myself searching for daylight and motivation this time of the year, and my pumpkin carving enthusiasm melts like the hollow carcass that is rotting away on my deck right now. Thankfully this is a team effort and Leanne is on my case so you don't have to be! She has rallied the judges and compiled the results and we have some interesting findings this year, oh and a winner too. We didn't go back and check the official records, but we believe this may be the first year that all of the adult contestants have received a vote for their pumpkin, proving that socialism isn't dead after all. I'm just waiting for the year that one of our young carvers takes the trophy out from under our noses with their agile little fingers and over-sized imaginations... So congratulations to all the carvers for carving well enough to be distinguished from that of a child, and to draw the judges eye. Congratulations to our back-to-back ...