
2024 Winner!!

Well, the judges really liked what they saw this year. You should all give yourselves a pat on the back! But in this vote there were more than two choices and they certainly took advantage of them all! Glad I don't have to set up a government with these results :)  I don't think I have seen a year where the votes are so spread out before. We have a clear winner but A LOT of ties as we move down the ranks. Each judge gets to give 3 votes (1st (10 pts), 2nd (7 pts), 3rd (5pts)) so there were 21 votes in all. The winner got 4, one pumpkin got 3, four others got 2 votes each and another 5 pumpkins got 1 vote each. Ok, enough stats (they will make my Dad happy :)) Congrats to First place (32 pts) Pumpkin O: Carried Away by the one and only  Mark Taylor Second place (17 pts) Pumpkin K: You are tasty Tweetie Pie! Burp... by Laurie Ashworth Pumpkin R: Prowling Wolf by Mel Taylor Third place (15 pts) Pumpkin G: Pumpkin Predator by new-comer Jess Hansen Fourth place (12 pts) Pumpkin C: ...

2024 Predator pumpkins

Hello carvers and judges!  Some more beautiful looking pumpkins this year. Hope none of these creatures came knocking on your door for halloween... I learned a lesson this year - when buying pumpkins always give them a shake first. When I cut the top off mine it was half full of water/liquified pumpkin guts. Gross. Thankfully you couldn't see from the outside that I had gotten hold of a swamp pumpkin but it sure didn't smell the best when I was carving it..  Enough of my chatter. Scroll down for what you really came for :)  Pumpkin A: En isbjørn som har fanget en fisk.    Pumpkin B: en Løve med blodig tænder og en stor manke. Pumpkin C: Trick or mouse. Pumpkin D: The Eagle and The Rabbit. Pumpkin E: Axolotl. Pumpkin F: Pumpkin-eating-pumpkin-eating-pumpkin. Pumpkin G: Pumpkin Predator. Pumpkin H: Dog pumpkin. Pumpkin I: Owl. Pumpkin J: Tiger. Pumpkin K: You are tasty Tweetie Pie! Burp... Pumpkin L (left): King of the jungle Pumpkin M (right): Star Pumpkin P...

2024 Theme

 Hope everyone is having a wonderful October and is set for the pumpkin carving season! The slugs ate all my pumpkin plants this year so I actually had to buy some pumpkins :( Turns out you should do that earlier rather than later in October because the choices left now are looking a little beaten up hey, you shouldn't be able to tell in a dark picture. The theme this year is Predator Pumpkins so roll up your sleeves and get carving! As always, one pumpkin per entry no limitations on carving tools toothpicks are allowed but no other props send me or Janice one picture of your pumpkin and your title by midnight on halloween (e-mail please) Have fun and stay safe ;)

The votes are counted...

 Hi all,  Well, they say third time's a charm. Perhaps the third time I sit down to post the winners I will actually get it done! Here's to hoping, because not sure about yours, but the pumpkins carved in this house are oozing on our compost pile and well on their way to being food for next year's pumpkins so it's time to get this wrapped up.  Just to revisit the scoring - the judges all choose their top 3 picks. A 1st place vote gives 10 points, a 2nd place vote 7 points and a 3rd place vote 5 points. This year we had 8 judges and for the first time ever 7 of them agreed on the first place. As far as I can remember that has never happened. I have a funny feeling I am going to get accused of rigging the competition or paying off the judges but I claim innocence!!  The podium has some well known names this year (Congrats guys!!) but what excites me most is the 4th-6th places. The Turnbulls have some up and coming carvers to watch out for...  Thanks to all the car...

2023's Stormiest pumpkins

Well my friends, you did it again. 15  17 (so sorry to the 2 I missed in the first post! Shouldn't be so tricky to keep track of all the pictures but thank you for keeping me in line and please don't take it personally :)) Stormy pumpkins carved by participants from 6-70! We have at least one first time carver this year so welcome to you :)  Hope everyone had a great Halloween with more treats than tricks. Stay tuned to hear what the judges have to say... Pumpkin A Pumpkin B: Windfall Pumpkin C: Collateral damage Pumpkin D: Halloween blown away Pumpkin E: Lightning storm Pumpkin F: Saddened sun Pumpkin G: Skull in the wind over stormy water Pumpkin H: Storm cloud Pumpkin I: Storm dragons Pumpkin J: Storm front blowing in Pumpkin K: Stormy (Pusheen's sister) Pumpkin L: THOR the thunder maker Pumpkin M: Twister of Oz Pumpkin N: Two ghosts in a storm Pumpkin O: Boat in a storm Pumpkin P: Twister Pumpkin Q: Witch on a stormy night

2023 Theme

 Hi Pumpkin People!! Hope everyone is enjoying the fall colours and remembering to pick up a pumpkin because everyone's favourite pumpkin carving competition is back!!  This year's theme is STORMY . So get your creative juices flowing, invite your friends, and start carving! For any new comers, you get one pumpkin and one picture per person. Toothpicks are allowed if you need to put your pumpkin back together but no other props/decorations. Something about your design needs to be original and you need to email your picture to Janice or Leanne by midnight on Oct. 31st.  Happy carving and happy Halloween! Cheers,  Leanne and Janice

First place goes to...

Thank you carvers! Thank you judges! Even thank you to the judge that wrote me this to the friendly reminder that his votes were due... "I had planned to make the votes during my summer holiday 2023 (I did expect that would leave plenty of time before the official announcement of the result)". I guess we deserve that. Perhaps the real magic of this year is that the results are posted by the middle of November. I for one don't have Christmas decorations out yet! It was a tight race this year for the podium. The judges had 3 clear favourites. First - with 42 points goes to  Pumpkin G/ House Elf by Melanie Taylor Second  - with 36 points goes to Pumpkin J/ Hocus Pocus  Boookkkk by Mark Taylor Third  - with 32 points goes to  Pumpkin K/ Rub me the right way by Leanne   Congrats on the 1, 2 sweep to the Taylor family!! Can anyone help me with where the trophy has ended up?? Once I have located it I will try to get it to you :)...