
Showing posts from November, 2017

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

Well I’m not sure if you’ll think we succeeded but this year we really were making an effort to wrap things up a little faster. Suspense can be good but there is also such a thing as too much of a good thing… I guess it did get to double digits in November but just barely! So thank you once again to everyone that carved! This contest always makes me feel a bit like a kid again at Halloween but I’m quite sure I’d stop carving if I didn’t know you guys out there were carving too:) And thank you too to everyone who judged! We had over 50% of you respond before the deadline and some eager back-up judges with some funny comments so there have still been 7 judges submitting votes like the past years. We did have a judge with a new approach this year though – he chose to give out a tie for 3rd place. Creative. Perhaps we will have to add some clearer judging instructions for next year - thankfully the results were the same with or without this 'extra' vote ;) The results are clo...

A Bumper Crop of Carvings!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another fine year of competition! This year's theme of "Animated Characters" drew an eclectic assortment of entries and has really allowed the carvers to let their hair down and stretch their artistic legs. I thought it would be a steady stream of Mickey Mouse and Frozen Princess's but they have proved me wrong! What I love is that there are no two carvings alike again this year!! With entries from Canada, Denmark and New Zealand, we have three countries representing, and if we wanted to get really technical, we did have carvers from England, Australia and Ireland enter as well;) So feast your eyes on these fine looking vegetables and look forward to the results! 1. The Great Gazoo wishes you Happy Halloween, dum dums 2. Eating Nemo 3. Spiderman 4. Minion 5. Fred Cailloux got pumpkinified, yabadabadoo! 6. Scar... plotting to rule the Pride Lands 7. Come with me, where dreams are born & time ...