
Showing posts from October, 2011

2011 WPCC Participants Start Your Engines!!!!

To mix it up Leanne will introduce the 2011 competition. Sometimes I prefer the sound of other people's voices. Just not that often. So here she is....  Hello all, There are even pumpkins starting to appear in the Danish neighborhoods so that must mean that Halloween is on it's way. Not too many of them are carved mind you but that can only be because they haven't heard about this fantastic event. For those of you who are lucky enough to know about it and even luckier to get a personal invitation hope you're ready to carve! We are holding up last year's promise of being a little less tardy and giving you 12 whole days to dust off the carving tools, find the perfect pumpkin and get creative so no excuses. We're also opening it up a little this year and trying a less traditionally Halloween theme. At the suggestion of a previous participant, what we are looking for this year is:   FU...